- Collective voice of a professional body The IMPT represents your views to government, regulators and academic institutions
- Education and training The IMPT has an important role in allowing members to access education and training opportunities only available through membership of the IMPT. These opportunities are an important part of continuing professional development as a healthcare professional
- Registration The voluntary register of Maxillofacial Prosthetists held by the IMPT is recognised by the UK Department of Health. This recognition is valuable to employers.
- Journal The Journal is exclusive to members. It is the only Journal exclusively dedicated to the field of Maxillofacial Prosthetics. Abstracts and back issues of the Journal are available through this website for members
- Newsletter A quarterly newsletter exclusive for members highlights training opportunities, membership exclusive offers and updates on professional issues that affect our services
- Current information This website provides members instant access to information on current issues affecting the profession, educational events and training opportunities.
- Service advertising; tell everyone ‘you’re here’ and ‘what you do’ Membership gives you and your practice an opportunity to express yourself and the great services you are providing patients through the website. More frequently commissioners, GP’s and patients are using the world wide web to seek information on services provided by you.
- Networking IMPT events give members who are geographically spread throughout the world opportunities to get together, learn and improve your practice.
- Jobs Increasingly employers are using the web for job advertising. In a small, highly specialised profession such as ours the website and newsletters provide a focused advert for employers to reach the whole profession. The website will also direct you to NHS Jobs for UK based members
- Express your views As a member you can submit articles for the Journal, Newsletter and website to highlight the great work you are carrying out. This is useful for recognition for your service, advertise your work and also peer review of your work.